Hello, my fellow Cold Brewed Coffee Company family. As you know, one of my favorite past times is finding new recipes for prepping cold brew coffee. If they passed my test; tastes delicious, I will share it with you.
Holiday Mochabrownsugarcinnalatte
Prepare it hot or cold. Add more sugar, mocha, or cinnamon to taste.
1. 12 oz. of cold brew coffee (heated up)
2. One (1) tablespoon of brown sugar
3. 1/8th teaspoon of cinnamon (a pinch)
4. Mocha (of your choice, I like using powder form) & regular creamer to taste.
This recipe will have your taste buds dancing. Let us know what you think and how you made it better?
Please, if you have a recipe, you would like to share it with us. Use the contact us page and drop it in the form. We might share it with our fans and family.